Monday, December 31, 2007

DPO... ...7? And the last day of 2007

It should be DPO7 for me, but FF shifted it to DPO5 if I took into consideration the temp last Friday. Oh well, I discarded that temp then.

I meant to post earlier, and I meant to post several entries. But oh well.

Life's been so hectic. Good hectic though. Lots of shopping. And no, I didn't manage to get away from the holidays at all. I plan to do that for the coming Chinese New Year though. I hope to succeed :)

First, about BFF#1, A, We met up with others for our annual Xmas gathering. As usual, she's gushing on and on about her kid. Thank God there's a rule of NO DH/BF and NO KIDS. She had the audacity to suggest changing the rule. Then she tried to explain that she HAD no choice but to bring her kid along with her blah blah blah. In the end another girlfriend managed to put her into place. That bitch.

I just put on that plastic smile of mine whilst she went on. Sad to say, I think my friendship with A will be ending soon. Perhaps, who knows? I might deem her BFF again after I have my own kid? Haa.....for that reason alone, I hope our friendship will be revived soon. How pathetic of me.

Anyway, I know that this cycle will be a bust again. That's because I don't feel any different at all.

About mil and sil, they continue to be pain in the ass. The other day we visited the temple that housed my deceased fil's tablet. And guess what? I offered joss-sticks to him and prayed to him to, please, come and fetch mil soon. Evil me. I don't understand why she must make things difficult for everyone. Why she must be so foul-mouthed. Why she must be perpetually unhappy. I hate her, so hate her.

Alright, what else? Yes, about that staff of mine whom I suspect may be pregnant. I strongly suspect such is the case. I will write further on that next time though, because I can't seem to continue now.

I just want to get this part of my life over and done with. I wish that we can revert to a lifestyle of not wanting kids. The weird thing here is, maternal and paternal instincts are really at work here. Strange, truly strange. We both feel this inner need of wanting to be parents. Is it made all the more stronger because we can't seem to have it? I really don't know.

Alright, today is the last year. I just have a simple wish for year 2008. And we all know there's no surprise there about what it is. I just want to conceive. Notice how I said 'to conceive'? And not 'to be parents'? Hur hur....... I just want to give us more least we have another whole year ahead.....just let me get pregnant next year.....

Happy new year everyone!

1 comment:

LifeHopes said...

I think that 2008 will be a good year for both of us... after all, we can only move up from here on the fertility front! HA!

Praying for ya...