Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our country needs more babies......

I have many tots, but for now I just want to post something different.....well, it's still about babies though.

In Singapore, every year, after we celebrate our National Day on 9 Aug, our Prime Minister will deliver his Rally Speech, during which he will outline and speak at length about challenges and significant issues faced by Singapore, and at the same time, announce new schemes and policies.

And well, for this year, one focus is actually on our failing birth rate. Yes, we are in need of more babies. And our Government are prepared to fund a slew of incentives etc to encourage couple to have more babies.....


If any of you are interested in the details, you can read here: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/nationalday/rally_engvideo.htm
(check out 'pro-baby measures to boost birthrate')

For preggies around me, they are HAPPY, since they will be enjoying 4 months of maternity leave, which is one more month compared to previous 3 months leave. NOtably is one of my staff, the one who got preggy right after she's married.

On a separate note, last week, it suddenly dawns on me that the early signs have always been there - that I am just not fertile.

I stayed in Uni hostel throughout my 4 years of Uni education, and towards the last 2 years, I was practically cohabitating with my then boyfriend. I wasn't on the pill, and we combined condoms with my regular cycle as a form of birth control. I remembered on couple of occasions we were worried about getting pregnant, but, haha...I never, obviously.

Fast forward more than a decade later, and I learnt from mutual friends that my ex is a father of 2. And me...zero.

So, let's do the sums.....we were then at our supposedly most fertile and virile peak...basically like bunnies (sorry TMI)....and no, no, not pregnant. I mean of course it's a blessing that I didn't get pregnant then, but, I am sure you get the drift.

Sorry, that's just one the many tots I need to get it out of my system.

I think I need to do a random post soon, penning down all the various random tots, which are unfortunately, all fertility-related....


LifeHopes said...

I truly believe you will conceive. I pray for you all the time.

And I would encourage you to post your ttc thoughts on your blog. It really helps - almost like therapy, except better because it's free, and because you are sharing with people who know how you feel and won't judge you.

Karey said...

We have that background in common (I was a VERY different person in my younger days). I think now how funny it was that I had "scares" over the years. Little did I know. Not to mention how different my feelings are now. It's hard for me to even relate to my former self who dreaded a pregnancy.

And I just read your more recent Clomid post. Yay! I'm praying for you of course!